On Rotation – April

on rotation - April


Time flies, and so do new music releases.  In an attempt to attach longevity to music, and a timestamp to our soundtracks here is my 18th monthly on rotation playlist.  It’s alive, so subscribe for updates throughout the month of the best new music.

On Rotation – January 2014




There’s no time to waste- as the cogs of the industrial pop system have screeched to a halt in the wake of Beyoncé’s release, the underground world has plummeted forward.  Follow my first playlist of 2014 for a guide to what’s new and worthy of a listen.


PS There’s a Beyoncé song on it.


Weekly Digest #13





Lulu James releasing another amazing single.  I follow up Sky Ferreira’s fame inducing arrest with an old single likely to be on her hotly anticipated full-length (and it’s the perfect song for a single person’s Autumn).  Arthur Beatrice follows up their EP with another single (solidifying their role as this year’s most heart wrenching band).  Also Azealia Banks releases another single, and what?  Still no full-length?  Dayum girl…hype doesn’t last forever.