The Le Sigh, The Epoch, & Kaiotic Music Present SALES



Kaiotic Music is incredibly excited to announce that one of our Florida favorites, SALES, will be joining Brooklyn’s Florist, Small Wonder, & Told Slant for an amazing show at The Paper Box this summer, in association with The Le Sigh and The Epoch.  RSVP Here and get your tickets here.
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Weekly Digest


In accordance with a theme of glamour, fur and sparkle, this week’s digest is another compilation of lush Pop & R&B that is certain to make sweet love to your eardrums, your inner music fashionista, and your own perpetual need for fresh and engaging artists.  Featured this week is a new release from Beldina, a track from Broods’ debut EP, a slew of Dream Pop and sex.  Just listen.

SALES – Chinese New Year

sales artwork

Florida has this weird sort of vintage tacky allure, and the music coming out of it is equally as satisfying and perplexing.  It’s the anti-New York- ironically enough given so many new yorkers go to die there- even in its music scene it’s so anti-scene, and so much of it is pockets of artistry that have developed independently, creating some of the most original material to hit the web.  Aside from overlapping projects X Priest X and Dromes, the most exciting music is coming from duo SALES, comprised of Lauren Morgan and Jordan Shih.  The first track to capture my attention was Renee, a release from last summer, but with Chinese New Year (and the steady stream of releases between the two), SALES has placed the second hinge on a consistently high quality and steady debut.  Especially on Chinese New Year Sales goes a little The Drums meets Best Coast, with more dreaminess than The Drums, but similar signature guitar riffs, and with the catchiness of Best Coast with more original melodies and lyrics.  SALES is what I’d listen to lying on fake sand with a plastic palm tree, but somehow it’s also incredibly alive.