SLK – Call


Yesterday Britain’s latest soul baby SLK released her third single, CALL.  The track features a Chet Faker like approach to R&B that summons the mood of songs like The Coaster’s Down In Mexico.  In other words, there is a backbone to this song that brings to mind a late 50s style of Rhythm and  Blues.  The best parts of the song are the patience and restraint both SLK and producer Embody demonstrate throughout the track-  it’s allowed to simmer and swell, its relentless beat pausing long enough for an emotional and rich vocal line to weave itself over the pulsating 1,2,3.  These two make a great pair, and now SLK has announced her debut EP and the event to celebrate it.  The EP, Form, is to be released on May 26th.

Weekly Digest

weekly 30


That’s 30 weekly playlists under Kaiotic’s belt.  Have I foretold any futures?  Check this week’s out for a tastemaking tour of cinematic nouveau R&B.

SLK – ‘Be’

slk be
While SLK‘s first single was intriguing and well made, it’s with follow up Be that she solidifies her right to be in the eyes of the music mongering few, before the sound amassing culture gobbles up a new and flavorful morsel.  While Ride winds along potholed pavement and eerily romantic landscapes, Be takes off, accompanied by bobbing heads and gyrating crotches.With fantastic production from Embody tailoring this second release, a picture begins to form of the artist who stands before us (and the potential EP we can expect).  This is a woman whose handsome style exhales through her evocatively deep vocals, who separates herself from the pack not only through the sheer quality of her music but also her own veritable persona.