Ana Tijoux – Vengo


Ana Tijoux has gone from an unknown latin breakout in 2010 to a publicly underrated yet critically acclaimed crossover artist, earning accolades at the Grammy’s and from Thom Yorke.  She follows up her successful debut 1977 (which was featured on Breaking Bad and Performed at The Grammy’s with The Roots) with a politically inclined cut, Vengo, from her upcoming third full-length.  In Vengo Ana searches for the past of her ancestry, she uses her ideas as a shield to fight the present and shed light on the past.  Her rhymes become a vehicle of inspiration of the ideal, the dream, the new man.  She becomes a part of the earth, the sky, and the animals.  But this is fierce, not gentle, and as she comes for you and for answers I’d bet she’s not taking hostages.

Look for Ana at SXSW this year, and check out the video clip from Breaking Bad that featured 1977.