Introducing: Hawkon

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Hawkon‘s look and sound are synonymous- a dreamy filter over prints and washed out florals, interrupted only by glitchy, digital noise and interference.  It adds a surprisingly harsh edge to the mostly immersively dreamy music.  As though the listener floats through the sounds, he builds a chorus around swelling synths and rich vocals, and occasionally decides to jarr you back to a digital reality.  Amidst the beauty of the sliding synths, a click or tack will remind you that Hawkon is meditating on every pulse, each beat change, and every embellishment.  The result is a surprisingly fantastic electro-dream pop track in the vein of Until The Ribbon Breaks or Crowd Shy.

Introducing: Crowd Shy



Crowd Shy is Salt Lake City’s Jordan Watko, and while he’s largely underplayed I think it’s time you guys started paying attention.  His debut record, Begin to Understand, is a perfectly symmetrical conjugation of many of my favorite genres.  From R&B to Dream Pop, Chillwave to 90s Garage Rock, it’s like Sky Ferreira’s indie little brother who inadvertently outshines his older sister.

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